School of Human and Social Sciences


The COVID-19 pandemic has led to significant disruptions in social life and the academic context. Teaching at universities has been almost entirely moved to the digital realm, resulting in challenges in self-regulated learning and the satisfaction of social needs among students. In two studies, we examine the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on (1) student well-being and academic performance and (2) student smartphone use. Both subjective and objective (collected through an app) information were gathered and analyzed. The aim of the studies is to gain a deeper understanding of the diverse effects of the pandemic on student health to evaluate the need for interventions and to design such interventions.


Prof. Dr. Theda Radtke (project lead), Tania Nuñez 


Nuñez, T. R., Pallasch, N., & Radtke, T. (2022). Students` Emotional Well-being and Academic Functioning Before, During, and After Lockdown in Germany: A Cohort Study. JMIR
Formative Research, 6

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